Harry Potter Top 3 Main Characters

1. HARRY POTTER He's a sympathetic figure; a kid plucked from unfortunate circumstances and thrust into a magical reality. He realizes he has been gifted with great power. And then he's pitted against the ultimate evil in the wizarding world, Lord Voldemort, who years ago killed his mother and father . Everybody loves an underdog story of good vs. evil and we've watched Harry grow up in this fantastic setting -- forming friendships, fighting foes, and finding love. While Harry only partially realizes his deepest desire, to see his dead parents again, he is fathered and mothered by the care-taking adults who surround him -- Albus Dumbledore, Hagrid, Molly and Arthur Weasley, and Sirius Black to name a few. His faithful friends Ron and Hermione are an extension of this ad hoc family -- as close as any real brother and sister. And Harry has needed all the support he can get in his battle against those who would do him harm -- from school bully Draco Malfoy, to soul sucking Dementors, the terrible Death Eaters, and ultimately the Dark Lord himself. 2. HERMIONE GRANGER Hermione Granger, Harry Potter and Ron Weasley's best girl-pal, is so much more than just a token throw-in for female readers/viewers to identify with. In fact, she narrowly edges out Ron for second place on our list. Why? We're glad you asked... Potter author J.K. Rowling describes her as "very logical, upright, and good." And while she's at first painted as a brainy do-gooder who always plays by the rules, it's fun to watch Hermione develop into so much more over the course of the series. Throughout the novels and films, Hermione remains the voice of reason, but she'll break the law without hesitation if it's for the greater good. And her Spock-like logic is no help at all when hormones come into play -- completely fracturing, in fact, when it comes to her playfully love-hate relationship with Ron. You'll find no better friend or magical ally than "the brightest witch of her age." 3. RON WEASLEY Ron Weasley is Harry Potter's best friend and ever-present sidekick. But unlike most sidekicks, Ron isn't a coward or a simpleton, nor is he content to live in Harry's shadow. Of the three friends that make up the main cast of characters, Ron is the comic relief -- not an uncommon trait for sidekicks of his ilk -- a characteristic that makes him instantly endearing. And while he lacks Harry's natural magical talent, or Hermione's smarts, Ron overcomes his shortcomings with faithfulness and perseverance. In spite of his fear of spiders, Ron follows Harry loyally into the Forbidden Forest, and mixes it up with the bad guys more than a few times in the series. He goes from bumbling Gryffindor keeper to Quidditch hero and works undercover at Hogwarts to co-found the vigilante student group Dumbledore's Army. Ron's flirtation/frustration with Hermione is also a highlight of the series. After all they'd been through, it was therefore difficult to see Ron abandon Harry and Hermione in Deathly Hallows Part 1 - but oh-so gratifying when he returned, facing some very personal, nightmarish visions (forget those spiders - he saw Harry and Hermione naked and getting it on!) and conquering them with the bravery of a true Gryffindor.

Platform 9¾

King's Cross Station is considered one of the main train stations to serve London, England. Students of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry take the scarlet steam engine named the Hogwarts Express to Hogwarts from Platform 9¾ on 1 September at 11 AM sharp. To get to Platform 9 3/4, you run straight at the wall between 9 and 10. If you are late for the train, the portal closes from the outside at 11am sharp automatically. It also serves as a major intercity and commuter rail hub for Muggles going to North London or Yorkshire and the North East and Scotland.

Just The Spells